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Northwestern State University

I was a student worker for Northwestern State University of Louisiana from 2017-2021. During that time, I helped build, paint, load in, and strike the productions, 

Doubt: A Parable

I helped in the faux texturing of the cinderblock.

written by John Patrick Shanley

Northwestern State University, 2020

Director: Dr. Grace Edgar

Scenic Design: Anna Gautreaux

Costume Design: Nicole Lala
Lighting, Sound, Fight Choreography: Paul Pharris 

Props Designer: Jade Duthu

Technical Director: Robert Richoux

Photos @Chris Reich

Songs for a New World

I was the Master Carpenter for this show.


Music by Jason Robert Brown

Northwestern State University - Theatre West

Director: Dr. Grace Edgar

Scenic Design: Anna Geutreaux

Costume Design: Nicole Lala
Lighting, Sound, Fight Choreography: Paul Pharris 

Props Designer: Jade Duthu

Technical Director: Robert Richoux

Photos @Chris Reich

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